It's hard to believe that tomorrow will mark our one month anniversary of being in Mill Valley! I thought it would be appropriate to give you the one-month analysis of our lives here followed by a few prayer requests:
-Our home is officially unpacked! There are ZERO boxes on our bedroom floor (which is a big accomplishment if you know Laura and me) and the curtains are up. After weeks of unpacking (by us unpacking I mean Laura unpacked and I placed things where she told me to put them), we can finally call this place a home. It's tiny, but it's ours. As one of our neighbors told me the other day, "It's fun to see how people decorate their box around here."
-We have finished three full weeks of school and things are just getting busier. Laura and I are working on reading (which doesn't get any less if you were wondering), papers, and lecture notes. While school is busy and demanding, we are blown away by how much God is expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Nothing changes your mindset like reading about Polycarp and William Carey! If you don't know about these two folks, you should look them up.
-Laura has a couple of jobs, and I "might" have a job. Laura is enjoying her jobs with children at a playground and babysitting a couple times a week. While we are still praying that I would find a job that suits me, we know God is faithful and praise Him for allowing Laura to work.
-We are beginning to search through wedding pictures! They are great (thanks to Mike and Shannon L)
-Lastly, we are constantly making new friends and meeting new people. We praise God for so many awesome people here at the seminary and in the Bay area!
Now that you are fairly updated, here are some prayer requests for those thinking of us back home:
-Pray that Laura and I will not grow tired and complacent in ministry. This is a huge problem for seminary students, and we hope to remain fresh and involved while learning. We don't want to to just have knowledge poured in, we want to pour out while we are here.
-Pray that Laura and I will learn to manage time between school, work, and marriage. This is important as we don't want to neglect marriage while we are here. Once again, this is a huge problem in ministry. We also want to put enough time into school to feel that we are really learning and growing.
-Pray that we will find a loving, support, multiplying community in a local church. We have visited a few and love them all. Pray for the right choice to be made in where we minister.
-Pray for me a job and that I will trust the Spirit in leading me to a job.
-Most importantly, pray that Laura and I will continue to grow more in love with eachother as well as the Lord each day.
We love you all and praise God for your support!
In Christ,
Steve (and Laura in spirit)