Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

It has been such a wonderful Easter weekend. Yesterday our college group put on a music outreach event. We had about 50 people come. It was so much fun and a time of very sincere worship. Pictures will hopefully be coming soon!

This morning we woke up to a beautiful rainbow. It was a sweet reminder of how the Lord keeps all of his promises.

After Church we went out to a great lunch at the Olive Garden with our Mississippi friend Carlena. It was nice to be around a Mississippi girl with family so far away.

 This is a picture of us in our Easter outfits. Yes Easter is quite a bit more casual here. We were some of the most dressed up people in church. Before you judge California too much... we always remember, of course, it is the heart behind the worship that matters not the outward appearance.

Finally, we wrapped up the day with some of our neighbors at an Easter Dinner. A big shout out to the Blackabys! Thanks for hosting and always being cool!!

1 comment:

  1. It might even be a little more casual here in Hawaii! You guys should come check it out sometime.
