Wednesday, March 21, 2012

25 Cool Ways to Share Your Faith

Many times when people hear the word Evangelism they panic. They think I can't just walk up to someone and share my faith. It's weird and awkward! Well I want to help you over come your fears. I too am not always confident talking to a complete stranger but lets face it in the end it's the only thing that matters.

I'm not sure how many of you know but since January I (Laura) have had the privilege of Teacher Aiding for one of my favorite classes (Evangelism) and professors at seminary to date. This week I was tasked to read through an assignment where students were asked to come up with 50 ways to share the gospel. Some people were very creative! Out of the 1750 ways I read about I wanted to highlight 25 of my favorite.

I hope they will inspire you the way they inspired me! Some of these are so easy!! Not scary or awkward at all!

So, get out there and tell someone the good news!

1. Turn church parking lot into a skateboard park one Sunday a month. Invite youth to bring friends to church and stay for the event.
2. Donate your old Christian books to the public library.
3.When you make your grocery list add share the gospel to it.
4. Foster a child.
5. Book trade offs with non believers. You can read something about Hinduism while they read a C.S. Lewis. After the trade meet back to talk about it.
6. Have the cooks of the church prepare meals for new moms who are not believers. Collect a list of non believer expectant moms from church members.
7. Add the link to your blog on your business card that will take the person to your testimony.
8. Host a father daughter dance night and invite the community to come. Give a short talk on the Father's love.
9. Buy a bunch of bus tokens and offer a free token in exchange for an interview on religious beliefs while they wait to catch their bus.
10. Host a monthly bike clinic at the church. Teach kids bike safety while serving coffee for parents. Build relationships with parents and children.
11. have a nurse or trained member of the church offer a free CPR certification course at the church one Saturday. Share with people during the breaks.
12. Allow your children to decorate your driveway with scripture and christian images using sidewalk chalk.
13. Offer a scrapbook making class at your church. Talking about memories often lead to spiritual conversation.
14. Stash tracts in all the pinatas at a party supply store (haha)
15. Flash mob a location using the Jesus Christ Superstar (haha)
16. Preform oil changes for single women in the community have someone building a relationship with them while they wait.
17. Restore a classic care with the church youth group and then take it to car shows.
18. While waiting an eternity at the DMV start conversations with others around you and share Christ. They have no where to run or hide.
19. Put an add on Craigslist in the "free" section for the gift of eternal life with your contact information.
20.  Become a crisis negotiator so you can witness to people in life threatening situations.
21. Donate a kidney with the condition that you must be allowed to speak to the recipient before the transplant.
22. Have a free sale and post signs in your local dollar store to advertise. People will want to know why you are giving things away for free. Share Christ's free gift with them.
23. Offer free funeral services at your church. Make sure to preach the gospel.
24. Bible study at a coffee shop. Free coffee to the first 10 people who show up for it.
25. Set up a Photo booth at a local park. Give people who try it their pictures for free along with a card with information about your church.

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