Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ruth 18 Months Old!

Wow our tiny baby is already 18 months old! We couldn't be more excited and proud of the sweet spunky girl she is. Here is a little about Ruth these days:

Weight- 22.3 lbs
Height-31.5 inches
Head- 17.5 inches
Clothes size- 12-18m
Shoe size- 5
Diaper size- 4

Likes- Baby (her doll), gymnastics, going for walks, singing songs (row row row your boat, rise and shine and give God the glory, and head shoulders knees and toes are all favorites), being in the kitchen with Mama, babies, cheese, cell phones, dogs, reading books, "treats" (anything sweet), swings, lemons, helping Mama with chores, figuring things out, bellybuttons, being tickled.

Dislikes- when Mama leaves the room without her, being told no, laying down for a nap, being dropped off for church or other activities, sitting still,

Communication- Ruth has a vocab of about 25 words! Right around 18 months she started pairing two words together. Her first sentence was talking to herself in a mirror. She could see several of her reflections and she said "Hi Babies!" It was too cute! Ruth also does a few signs for different items. We really like that she is able to communicate with us. It really cuts down on us both being frustrated.

Mobility- As most people know Ruth was a very steady walker/climber by the time she turned 1. Since then she has gained more and more balance and agility. She enjoys doing her gymnastics classes swinging on the bars, climbing, and learning to jump on the trampoline. She is pretty good at keeping up with the older kids in her class.

Schedule- Right now Ruth goes back and forth between these two schedules depending on if we have a morning activity or not.

1. No morning activities
7:30- Wake up
8:00- Breakfast
8:30-10- Play
10-12- nap
12- Wake up for Lunch
12:30-2 or 3 play
2-3 or 3-4 nap
4-5:30- Play
5:30- Dinner
6- Bath
6:30-7- Story, Songs, and goodnight kisses!
7-Bed time!

2. Morning activities
7:30- Wake up
8:00- Breakfast
8:30-12- Gymnastics, BSF, Shopping, or Church
12- Eat Lunch
1-3:30 Nap
3:30-5:30- Play
5:30- Dinner
6- Bath
6:30-7- Story, Songs, and goodnight kisses!
7-Bed time!

Gymnastics Class
Ruth loves watermelon!
Steve's Graduation
First face paint
Sporting the first outfit Laura made her
Forth of July with the Beltran family
Ruth's Cousins came for a visit
Ruth always finds something to get into
Sporting a new leo Laura made her
The girl loves her boots!

Ruth friend to all animals.
Meeting Judah!

Farmer Ruth
With her great grandparents
Happy Birthday Aunt Becca!
Riding on a tracker at the buffalo park
Our little pumpkin!