Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby Reynolds Week 26

Pregnancy progress pictures:
8 Weeks 6 Days

14 Weeks 6 Days 

26 Weeks

20 weeks

Friday, December 28, 2012

Have Yourself a "Gilead" Little Christmas

December has been Jam packed this year at Gilead House. It's hard to believe all that we were able to squeeze in this month. As busy as the season has been it really has been a "Gilead" Christmas for me. In Bible Gilead means "a hill of testimonies" A hill is an understatement of how many testimonies people of God have shown by reaching out to the ladies and children of Gilead house this month. As a believer I feel it is important to take time to share with other believers all that God is doing in his kingdom. Here are a few of my favorite highlights of the month.

We began the month with Hillside youth group throwing a Christmas party for our Gilead House kids. It was a really special time. All the youth made it a point to include our kids and really love on them. At the end of the evening one of the moms told me, "I just can't understand why a bunch of teens would want to come here  when they could be doing other things." It gave me the chance to share that Christ was that reason.

Hillside Youth and Gilead House kids
The next week we were so blessed to have Lauren, from FBC Batesville, MS, come and spend a week serving with us. We got to know Lauren when she came last summer with her youth group for a week. While Lauren was here she helped us by setting up a new mom's room and doing a lot of organizing! Her sweet and gentle spirit was such a blessing to our staff and moms.
Lauren putting together a bed
Our moms and kids were blessed by so many this year with Christmas gifts. FBC Batesville sent hundreds of diapers and wipes, along with winter gear. They also blessed our mom's with gift cards allowing them to even pick out a few things for their kids themselves. A lady from a local church donated play mobile toys that we were able to surprise the children with set up on Christmas morning. We also had several church knitting groups custom make socks, blankets, and scarves for our mom's and children.
Setting up for Christmas Morning
The story that touched my heart the most, however, was that of 3rd grader Anabella. After seeing a homeless man on the street she began to wonder about the children of Marin who might not have a special Christmas. After praying and talking with her mom she decided to give all her good grade money ($50) towards buying Christmas presents for other children. She challenged her friends at school and other church members to donate a little money and in the end managed to raise $1000! She was able to bless all of the Gilead House Children with 2 gifts and the children of 3 other shelters! That totaled over 30 children! It is amazing that God and use even his youngest children for his purpose!
Surprise gifts for one of the Gilead House Families
We finally had a group of teens from another local church Flipside Youth Group come and help us take down our Christmas decorations. In their time at the house they were able to clean up and Assemble several new bikes the house had gotten for Christmas  They also had a chance to love on a few of our Gilead Kids. One mom told me, "It was such a blessing that they were able to give me a break from my kids just for a few minutes."

It  has been such a blessed Christmas season. So many Christians have shared the testimony of Christ in so many different ways with our Gilead House families. I am looking forward to getting to do follow up with our moms in the coming weeks. I hope hearing about others sharing the love of Christ has inspired a few of you to go out in the new year and do the same.

Merry Christmas 2012

Cinnamon rolls on Christmas Morning
Christmas day was nice and relaxing this year. It's hard to believe this is Steve and my last Christmas as a family of 2. We were so blessed this year as my family traveled all the way from Mississippi to spend the holidays with us! We will blog about their trip separately. Steve and I were so blessed by so many people this Christmas. One of our favorite gifts this year was an internet booster! It is allowing me to type this blog from the couch! This is something we haven't had the privilege of doing since moving off campus.

Gifts aside throughout the day I thought many times, "It will be much different next year." As many of you know we are now almost 26 weeks along! This time next year we will have a (most likely) mobile baby. The most exciting things about Christmas will not be the gifts and Santa Clause (Side note: we have not decided what we want to do about Santa Clause yet...), but things like the lights on the tree and Christmas ornaments hanging just a little too low. Steve and I are so ready for our world to be turned upside down! In my limited understanding of parenthood I can only think it will be much like I felt when I became a Christian. The feeling of, "how did I ever think I was complete and happy before?" For now, however, while I wait in anticipation, I am enjoying treasuring all of these things up in my heart just as Mary did long ago. (I also have an appreciation for how far she traveled on that donkey!!!)
January 2012 riding a donkey in Jordan. It's a very bumpy ride!!! I can't imagine doing it with a  baby on board.

A little look at Christmas this year:

Daddy (Steve) bought Baby Reynolds 1st Christmas gift! A pouch of veggies!!!
A stroller from Mom and Dad Bullock
Carlena came over to celebrate the birth of our savior too!
Rebecca in her new helmet.
Our BIG gift from Mom and Dad Bullock!!! Thank you from all 3 of us!