Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baby Reynolds Week 20

Wow! We've made it to the half way point! If the second half of our pregnancy goes as fast as the first half did we're going to have a baby here in the blink of an eye!

Since we last posted about Baby Reynolds we've had a couple of check ups. We got a healthy check up at week 17 and and went in for the big ultrasound at week 18.
The big ultrasound was a blast! It was amazing to see that there was someone in there growing and wiggling around! We were also amazed because got to learn a little about our little one's personality too! Our baby is a little bit shy and a little bit stubborn. Our technician, poor thing, was frustrated because the baby did not want to move around to take the pictures she needed. Despite the lack of cooperation she was able to see that the baby had all it's parts. Praise God! Unfortunately, she could not get a good picture of the heart. Sooo we're to return in two weeks to try again. On the bright side we get to see our sweet little one again!

Today we go in for another regular appointment and are hoping for another healthy check up!

Here are a few pictures for those of you who are curious:

(If this helps you figure out the gender please do not share with us! We're still in the dark!)

Baby is showing off their drinking skills for you! (Open the mouth)
(Close the mouth)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The End of an Era

As the end of school draws increasingly closer so does the end of an Era. I have now spent the last 19 years (not including preschool) of my life, with no breaks, being a student. That is all about to change! I cannot quite imagine what a life with no papers, reading requirements, and tests will look like. "What will she do with all her new free time?" they ask. My response, "I have no idea." Without a doubt I will be busy. After all I will be trading the title of "student" for that of "Mom." However, I know as most mom's do that I will be much more than that title. So, this morning, I have decided to brainstorm some of the things I plan on filling up my free time with after graduation.

*** Note: While there are many papers to be done and books to read even in this last month of school I feel this is an important project because it will give me the motivation to finish strong.***

Laura's List of Free-Time Fillers:
  • Make cute crafty things for the baby
  • Make some easy to pop in the oven (nutritional) freezer meals in preparation for the baby
  • Read my copy of the new Duggar's book that Steve got me for my birthday I haven't had a chance to open
  • Load and unload the dishwasher in a timely manner
  • Send some hand written cards to loved ones
  • Go to the weekly farmers market for free samples
  • Skype with people
  • Finish my Middle East trip photo album
  • Join a local mom's group
  • Take Guitar lessons
The Duggars are my favorite!
Cute baby outfit crafts!
I have no idea if any or all of these time fillers will be accomplished but it sure is fun to dream!