Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Baby Reynolds!

In case you hadn't heard yet… Surprise! We’re having a baby!

I decided to write a blog that would hopefully answer many of your questions about baby Reynolds.

You were in the fost-adopt process. Did you think you couldn’t have children? What’s happening with that now?

All are fare and good questions. Yes we were in the fost-adopt process and that has sadly been put on hold. We were about 1/3rd of the way through our paperwork when we found out. We were able to talk to our social worker Rolf about it and he was very gracious. He encouraged us to apply again when we felt ready. There has never been a known issue that we couldn’t have children we simply feel called to adopt. Therefore the process is not over just put on an extended pause for right now.

Were you trying to get pregnant?

Maybe a better way to word the answer than a yes or a no is that we were ready to be parents and God blessed us in this way. We are very excited to be parents in 6 and a half months!

How far along are you?

That is a tricky question. We believe we are at 10.5 weeks. However, that being said when we went in for our 8 week appt. the doctor told us the baby was measuring at 9 weeks and 5 days. She assured us that we were not going to have a giant baby that it was just on a growth spurt. So we really don’t know how big our baby is now haha. Steve said it’s a Reynolds therefore it’s going to be big.

When is your next appointment?

Our next apptointment will be on September 27th. Not sure what we’ll find out but we’ll keep you posted.

Do you want a boy or a girl?

We don’t care at all and have no guesses yet. Oh and we’re planning on keeping it a surprise even to us! Sorry for those of you that we disappoint by that.

When is the baby due?

April 5th

When did you find out? (Ok maybe no one is asking this but it’s a good story so I’ll share anyways!)

This summer we went with 8 of our youth group and 3 other leaders to Disney Land. I suspected that something might be up about halfway through the trip, but seeing as there was no alone time to sneak away I didn’t know what do you. The morning of Disney I started to stress out a little because I began to worry that I shouldn’t ride the rides. If I was pregnant I didn’t want to hurt the baby. I also didn’t want to get Steve’s hope’s up over nothing. I came up with a plan to ask for the keys of the van to run to Target. I was turned down because I was not on the rental insurance. I finally broke down and asked Steve to take me. Steve asked me if I remembered that we were about to leave for the park in 30 minutes and that he was responsible for buying everyone’s tickets. I said yes and that it couldn’t be avoided because I needed to see if I could ride all the rides. Confused he asked what that even meant and I told him there is a chance I might be pregnant. Shocked he said oh ok and we were on our way. With no time to take the test before we left I was doomed to wait until we arrived at the park. God blessed me with a chance for Steve and I to be alone. Another leader had needed to go back to the hotel for something and did not have a ticket to enter. I did what felt like a science experiment with stalls flushing all around me and then waited for what felt like forever before seeing the word “pregnant” appear! I came out so shocked that I all could do when I saw Steve was say you’re going to be a dad! Our moment together was short because the other leader walked up and so I quickly excused myself back to the bathroom because I started tearing up. It truly was a magical day and the happiest place on earth!

How is Laura Feeling?

In short not great. I’ve been dealing with a lot of morning sickness. That title is the meaning joke ever because really I feel sick most of the day. While I have learned some things that help I still am feeling pretty sick all the time. Please pray with our family that by week 12 I will be getting some relief! Please also pray for me that Tuesday nights I would be feeling well. I have a night class then and it has been really difficult to go so far.

Here are some pictures:
(Please be warned if you're not into pregnancy pictures!)

Baby's first outfit!

Celebrating with Donald!

6 weeks and 5 days

8 weeks and 5 days


  1. AWE! I love it! thanks for the update! So happy for you and steve!! Will definitely be praying for you to feel better!

  2. wow! congratulations, laura! you're going to be such a great mom! will definitely be praying for the "morning" sickness to subside quickly--been there! what a huge blessing, and your baby is so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

    1 Samuel 1:27
