Friday, September 3, 2010

Lifes Little Lessons: Budgeting

As you can tell from the title of this blog Steve and I are learning how to budget. It sounds like a fairly easy math problem A-B=C (A make some money, B the budgeted amount, C Money left over after.) Unfortunately as most of you know I've never been very good at math (I sweet talked my way into a C in Algebra) when they stick in all of those "unseen variables".

As a result we are taking some advice from Dave Ramsey. Our first step to success was made just two days ago with a trip to the ATM, a few magnets, and a few envelopes. Our plan, pay for everything in cash. I guess you could say it's working so far... but again it's only been two days. We will keep you posted on our success.

If any of you are budgeting masters we would love any advice you want to give us!


  1. Hey, have you guys heard of It's a free on-line budgeting website (and VERY user friendly). It maps and tracks what you spend your money on and helps you set goals. It's really changed the way Jody and I look at money and save. Check it out! : )
